If anyone wants to be a 10000 watts idiot in life, they can study my life. I am a living encyclopedia that has all the ideas and methods to be an idiot.
These are some reasons for me being idiot if you need any proof for that –
1. I still believe in divine love, pure vegetarian love
2. I believe that India will come back to its cultural origins after a point
of time
3. I believe that I will become a film maker ,one day
4. I believe that I can earn more by writing some fiction
5. I believe that I can live a peaceful life in this world
6. I believe that talent will get recognized one day
7. Other people will be just to me, one day
- See, What a hopeless, wonderful fool, I am. It is your luck if I am around you because you can exploit me and make a fortune out of my talents. I won’t learn from my mistakes. I don’t have any understanding of the world and about how it runs its daily routine. My kind of men are going to be a extinct species very soon. You won’t find us after one more generation. All your games are going to flop once we are vanished from this earth. After that point of time, world will be full of your kind of people. Whom you can cheat, exploit and make use of- Nobody! Because world is full of your kind of, smarter people.
- You are standing for saving tigers and wild life. You get to know the value of things only when they are lost. You don’t know the value of us, the losers. You winners get everything, every time just because of us. Once we are extinct, then there comes the days of tough competition for you, guys.
- You insulted us by calling us ‘losers’ when we stood there with the hurt of losing the match. You know that you won the match but what is the point of hurting somebody who is already hurt , by calling him a loser. Hello, this is planet earth and this is human life. There are two sides for every coin- You can’t be winners all the time. You better don’t call anybody a ‘loser’.
- This is something I don’t like in western culture. It insults and diminishes the people who lost the game instead of comforting and relaxing them.
- Hello losers, you are the real winners. Only because of you, winners become happy, they get girls. All of their game depends upon you and they take no guilt in destroying their life by plotting malicious things against you but at the same time, you feel guilty conscious for everything, even for the things you didn’t even imagine of. It’s your fate.
- My beloved losers, I am one of your kind. Let’s go back to forests and become Buddhas.Let’s become enlightened.
- We don’t need this place. We don’t need this corporate jungle where humans are worst than wild beasts. Instead, we will go to real jungle where we can listen to the music of greenery and birds. Let’s resign from this maddening crowd of this corporate market where greedy beasts brood with saliva dripping tongues.
- Let’s be one with nature. We can go back to the nature’s most original places. We will feel the music of nature and live happily. We don’t need to own the world because we knew that we are the real owners of the world.
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